For All Segments
Segment 1 (1:all) Jesus = God’s son, greater than the angels & prophets
- Read Hebrews 1:1-4
- What was the big idea of this paragraph?
- (see 1:4) Jesus, having the inheritance of God (all things) has a more excellent name than the angels.
- also note: Jesus compared to prophet, king, and priest
- What does verse 5 start with? For
- What type of writing structure is this? substantiation
- What does that tell us about what this sentence/paragraph?
It is evidence to support the “thesis” made in the previous sentence/paragraph - All of the rest of ch1 is support backing up the idea that Christ is more exalted than the angels
- Share analogy of substantiation being like supporting your thesis in writing an essay
- What kinds of evidence were used to support this?
[Ask group to suggest a couple ideas they remember, read rest of list for sake of time]- Jesus is God’s son, the angels are not (1:5)
- Even the Angels worship Jesus (1:6)
- Angels are created beings, but Jesus isn’t (1:7)
- God gave Jesus his throne as an inheritance (1:8-9)
- Jesus is outside of time (eternal), was there at the beginning of creation, and will be there after the end of creation (1:10-12)
- God gave Jesus, but not the angels, a position of authority and power at his right hand. (1:13)
Segment 2 (2:all) Jesus is Inheriting God’s Authority
- Read Hebrews 2:1 (Remember Heb.2:1 starts a new segment)
- What is the writing structure? Therefore
- What does this signal us? This verse is the effect of what was going on before
- What is the cause? the big idea from the prev segment, Christ >>> Angels
- What is the effect? We should give a more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.
- What things have we heard? Jesus is the son of God, to be revered more than the angels. (ie. the message of salvation thru Jesus Christ)
- What does earnest heed mean? pay close attention
- If we don’t give heed, what kinds of consequence are we to expect? drifting away from faith
Segment 3 (3:1-4:13) Consider Jesus
- Read 2:17-3:1
- What is this the effect of? Jesus suffered temptation and is able to help the tempted
- What does it mean to consider Jesus? Take into consideration, it should have an affect our actions.
- Read 3:7-8
- What was the significance of “if you WILL hear his voice”? We have a choice between hearing God’s voice or hardening our heart.
- Application: choose to hear God’s voice rather than hardening your heart
- What was the consequence the Israelites faced for that choice? They were not able to enter God’s rest (or the promised land), they died in the wilderness.
- In 3:18-19 ~ not obeying God is equated to unbelief. Are there areas in your life where you’re not obeying God?
- Read 3:12-13
- What does verse 13 command us to do? exhort one another daily
- Why? So that we do not have our hearts hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
Be Diligent to Enter God’s Rest
- Read 4:1 ~ there is a promise that remains of entering God’s rest
- After this comes a bunch of Fors (substantiation) giving support for this statement.
- Read 4:11
- What is the effect? Be diligent to enter that rest so that you don’t fall into disobedience
- What is the cause? that a promise remains that we can enter the rest
- Read 4:12 ~ This verse starts with “For”, what does that mean? Supporting evidence
- Why is this included? God can see the intentions of the heart, he’s going to see whether your motivation is wrong or not.
Segment 4 (4:14-5:11) Come to the throne of mercy and grace
- In this segment Jesus’s qualifications as a permanent high priest are discussed
- Read 4:16 twice, this is an important verse. This is the effect Jesus’s priesthood should have on us
Segment 5 (5:12-6:20) Press on to spiritual maturity
- Read 6:1-2
- What are the elementary principles & doctrines of Christ mentioned in 6:1-2?
- Principles ( fundamental truth or proposition ), a standard (or rule) guiding conduct or actions
- repentance from dead works
- faith toward God
- Doctrines ( teaching, body of teachings, learning), a belief that is taught
- baptisms
- laying on of hands
- resurrection of the dead
- eternal judgment
- Go on to: Perfection
- What is the difference between a principle and doctrine? (above)
- Do you understand these principles and doctrines? Are there any you see that you should brush up on?
Segment 6 (7:1-8:6) The new priesthood of Jesus
- Read 7:11
- Levitical priesthood = old system of the law
- Point of this verse? Perfection was not possible through the law
- Jump to and read 8:1-2
Jesus = this new high priest - Notice that verse says THIS IS THE MAIN POINT OF THE THINGS WE ARE SAYING. What does this mean? Think thesis
- Read 7:25. This a good memory verse.
- Have you picked out any verses from Hebrews to memorize?
Segment 7 (8:7-9:22) A new covenant also dedicated with blood
- Read 8:7
- What does this tell us about the first covenant? The first covenant had a fault
- What is the result? A new second covenant is needed
- What was wrong with the first covenant?
- animal sacrifices were not sufficient to take away sin (have to keep doing year after year)
- Look at 10:17-18… this explains why with Jesus they don’t have to keep offering the sacrifice over and over (completely forgiven)
- they were not capable of obeying the law because they did not have the conscience/law written in their hearts (H.S.) .
- 8:10-11 (law in hearts, all shall know God now)
- Read 9:18 (not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood)
- What does this tell us about the second covenant? It will also be dedicated with blood
- What blood was the second covenant dedicated with? Jesus death on Cross
Segment 8 (9:23-10:18) Jesus the better sacrifice
(mostly covered by seg 7 questions)
- Read 10:1 (Law = shadow of things to come)
- Here Paul is comparing the law to Jesus as only a shadow of the good stuff. This is one of the big points in Hebrews, Paul’s telling them to let go of the shadow and hang on to the real thing instead.
Segment 9 (10:19-39) Hold Fast to Jesus
- read 10:22 (draw near in full assurance of faith, cleansed of sin)
- read 10:23 (hold fast god is faithful)
- read 10:35-36 ~ hold onto your confidence, you need endurance to receive the promise (inheritance)
Segment 10 (11:all) By Faith (substance & evidence)
- What was the main repetition in this chapter? by faith
- What were some of the big points about faith from this chapter?
- faith has substance to it (11:1)
- faith is evidence of the spiritual world (11:1)
- without faith we can’t please God (11:6)
- Read 11:1, 11:6
- What kinds of things were the patriarchs, judges and prophets able to do by faith?
- general categories might include:
- endure things, be obedient to God, suffer for God
- do supernatural things, valiant in battle
- look to the inheritance of Jesus, dying without yet having seen it
- escape death
- bless others
Segment 11 Run Without Burden Looking Unto Jesus
- Read 12:1-2
- This starts with therefore. What does that mean? Effect
- Effect of what? faith being evidence of the supernatural, having substance
- What does this verse tell us to do? Lay aside weight and sin, run with endurance, look unto Jesus
- Why are we supposed to do this? being surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, AKA there is so much evidence of this supernatural world and Jesus
- Read 12:3
- Why are we told here to consider Jesus? We might become weary and discouraged in our souls if we don’t
- Why should we not despise chastening?
- It is a sign that we are a child of God, a sign of God’s love for us.
- We still respected our human fathers who chastened us, how much more-so should we do the same for God
Segment 12 (12:12-29) Don’t fall short, we have an unshakable inheritance
- Read 12:14-16
- What was the progression here to falling short of God’s grace? (LESTs)
- thought -> defilement -> sinful action/foolishness
- Application: What does this tell us about avoiding sin? The attitude in our hearts will keep us from going astray.
- Verses 12:18-24 contrast how we didn’t come to judgment/condemnation/sin/death but to God’s heavenly throne room.
- Read 12:25 (do not refuse Jesus)
- Who is “Him” in this verse? Jesus on earth, Jesus in heaven
comparing/contrasting the earthly/heavenly kingdom some more - Read 12:28 (therefore have grace by which we may serve god acceptably)
- What is the cause in this verse? Receiving an unshakable kingdom
- What kingdom are we inheriting? God’s (heaven)
- Is this kingdom easily overturned? No, it cannot be shaken.
- What is the effect? we should have grace
- What are we empowered to do with this grace? Serve God acceptably, with reverence, and with godly fear (what do each of these three characteristics mean?)
Segment 13 (13:all) Engage in Brotherly Love
- read 13:1
- After this Paul is going to spell out different ways we can continue in brotherly love.
- And then after that, there’s Paul’s farewell greetings
- Big point in this segment is application, what we should do based on our knowledge.
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