Revelation Segment 3 [4:1-8:6]
God’s Throne Room & The 7 Seals
The Throne Room [Ch. 4-5]
(3.1) John Called to the Throne Room [Rev 4:1-7]
(4:1) After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.” (2) Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and One sitting on the throne. (3) And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance. (4) Around the throne were twenty-four thrones; and upon the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and golden crowns on their heads. (5) Out from the throne come flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God; (6) and before the throne there was something like a sea of glass, like crystal; and in the center and around the throne, four living creatures full of eyes in front and behind. (7) The first creature was like a lion, and the second creature like a calf, and the third creature had a face like that of a man, and the fourth creature was like a flying eagle.
before the Divine Throne” by William Blake c. 1805
Implied causation: John hears a voice he’s up in heaven
“After these things” – implication: after the material dedicated to the churches. Have we seen this phrase before? Yes, in 2.2 (verse 19)
Up to this point we’ve seen:
Vision of Jesus:
1. we’ve seen Revelation of Jesus 2. things that are Churches 3. after (will be) We are now in this portion in this segment
John is called up to heaven before this segment (“come up here”). John caused to come to heaven and see the “after these things”…center focus (center of perspective) is heaven. Implication: the universe does not revolve around us, it revolves around heaven. He has to go up there to see the source of everything that’s happening on earth. You are not the center of the universe. Sometimes, though, we think what’s important is us. This is an issue of perspective, thinking “I am the center of God’s universe” (which is not the case).
Churches are not mentioned in this segment at all. What is the implication? The churches are not a part of the “after these things”
Throne (the major repetition)
There is ONE who sits on it.
He is compared to:
- Jasper stone – semi-precious stone, a highly polishable stone, very shiny, in a variety of colors. Implication: God is colorful (not bland), is vivid (the color is not muted because its polished)
- Sardius – red, deep red to blood red
Jasper StoneCanelian/SardiusEmerald - rainbow around him (full circle band of light) like an emerald (deep green) green light pulsating around him
- 24 thrones around 24 elders
- who the elders are isn’t stated
the elders have white garments
- Out of the throne are bolts of lightening, bolts and peels of thunder
sea of glass crystal – clear, refracts light (prism)
- How be does something have to be to be compared to a SEA of glass? Immensity of the throne room…
- At center of throne and around = four living creatures covered in eyeballs
- 1st: lion
- 2nd: calf
- 3rd: like a man
- 4th: flying eagle
As John is looking at the throne room, an UNCOUNTABLE (3.11) number of people were there and can still have enough room to see the floor. Rich dazzling brilliant color hits sea of crystal, refracts everywhere. God dwelling in unapproachable light, so powerful the colors are distinct and don’t blend into white light
“The Vision By John of Heaven” by Matthias Gerung, c. 1530
(3.2) The Four Living Creatures Worship God [Rev. 4:8-11]
Elders are FALLING down (not just bowing down)
You thought the vision of Jesus was impressive? He’s not described as a man here. Fierce, pure, intense, nothing muted. He is in total and absolute control and authority. He is the center of everything happening in heaven. Can’t get there and turn your back on him. (how did we get so self-focused??) **We think so little of God so we think too highly of ourselves.**
Creatures & elders = worshipping God, spurring each other on to worship. The way they worship = non-stop praise of giving glory, honor, and thanks.
Worthy are you. It has nothing to do with us. Not an I or we in there anywhere. Its ALL about God. They can’t even think about themselves. We’ve fallen from real worship (warning: you won’t want to sing me-centered worship songs)
This segment describes worship.
Living Creature Characteristics
Characteristic | Significance |
Four of them, a group | Its more than one. Worship designed by God is corporate (not designed to do individually). Dynamic: to be done together |
living | worship needs to flow out of life, its not a compartmentalized part of your life |
six wings | purpose of wings = to fly. Purpose of 6 wings? (covering?) Wings are typically used for flying. Flight is distinct over other methods of ambulation, freedom ambi-directional, freedom of mobility.
Worship doesn’t have to be a fixed way, a lot of freedom to it. Have to be careful in ministry about clipping other people’s wings to get them conforming, not worshipping |
full of eyes | can see, perception, awareness of God
Don’t be afraid to explore God. Don’t be myopic (small-sighted) in your vision of God. Awareness of what’s inside themselves too (the eyes are within as well). Lack of awareness clouds our perception of God, limit our understanding. We tend to project onto God what we feel (projecting our bias). God’s bias is love. He’ll tend to love everyone, not based on merit. Disappointed with yourself is to have believed in yourself. Your faith is not to be within yourself but in God. Discouraged = misplaced faith. Problem = faith is in me. If your faith is in the right things, that hope will not disappoint. |
Night and Day | Worship is non-stop (a way of being, not a matter of doing). |
Their Words
What are they communicating to God?
Holy | Holy | Holy |
Lord | God | Almighty |
Who Was | Who Is | Who Is To Come |
Words | Implications |
Holy Holy Holy |
Lord God Almighty |
Who was, who is, and is to come |
In the next sentence their activity is described as GIVING. Come and worship in order to GIVE something, not RECEIVE something. I should come to worship with a sense of God’s presence, not to experience it (come charged, not empty handed). You should have already received and be full. Worship is a RESPONSE to my experience with God. Its selling people short to say worship = the prime experience/climax.
Worship = life. Its not a fixed activity. Is prayer “punctuation”? Isn’t prayer just communication? Haven’t we been praying? Why do you have to fake it and say “lets pray now”? If you cannot experience God in the bulk of your activities, how can you expect to find him on the fringes?
Food tastes good. Why? Because God is good.
What We Give God in Worship
Item | Definitions & Implications |
Glory | Reflecting God IS my act of worship. That’s how I show God is my Lord. (reasonable expression of worship) |
Honor | Respect, reverence, Honoring God by actions. Acknowledging the real value of God in your life.
Think about the way you drive. Does it honor God? Conversations? Expectations of Life? Life Goals? What you spend money on? What you do with your time? Your body? What you watch on TV? Your filter should be “does this respect and honor God?” Do we see how so much of what we choose to do dishonors God? It pleases us, but doesn’t honor God. “To Fear the Lord is to depart from evil” God is Holy. If we grasped God as holy we’d be afraid to step outside the boundaries God set for us. There is no genuine fear of God in legalism, only a fear of Man. Live life with confidence, not trepidation. The rewards are as sure as the consequences. |
Thanks | Everything in my life is the result of God is holy. |
Application: (3.1-3.2?)
- Spending time in reflection so I’m ready to give when I show up for worship
- Meeting at home fellowship to get together to worship corporately…to further center lives around Christ.
Purposefully build application into your schedule or you will not change.
Worship etymology: worth-ship, assigning worth and value to God. By: thanking him, giving him honor, etc. (Lifestyle) *Assigning value through the way we conduct our lives* Worship != an experience. Worship should be every moment of your life.
Emotions = the effect, not the cause.
Right behavior -> right emotions
Right emotions !-> right behavior
right behavior -> right emotions = outside impact. Do you need someone else’s right behavior to experience right emotions?
(3.3) No One Worthy to Open Seals
Interrogation: Who’s worthy to open? There is a book in the right hand of God.
In the right hand | in God’s possession. |
Written on inside & back | book with writing, has a message, not just an empty book. |
Sealed up with seven seals | not an open message |
No one can open it, no one is WORTHY to (even in heavens and under the earth.) | The book is openable but no one is WORTHY. There are requirements for someone to open it. |
As they begin to look, no one is found, and John’s reaction is to weep | Implication = important message. |
Solution at end: stop weeping, behold, lion of the tribe of Judah has overcome, to be able to open.
Lion Tribe of Judah Root of David |
–> prophesied kingship |
Has overcome (what?)
Solution = outside the created order, outside humanity (creation), had to be imported
Symbolic, illustrative, nation of Israel, a particular tribe, “scepter will not depart from the tribe of Judah”, royalty, genealogy
what has he overcome?
has overcome (what) (so as) open book and seals
(3.4) Worthy is the Lamb [Rev. 5:6-14]
John sees… a slain lamb = lion of the tribe of Judah. Lion that’s a lamb.
Lamb standing as if slain (sacrificial)
Slain lamb implies sacrifices. Did not incapacitate him but empower the lamb.
Having 7 horns (perfect power and authority)
Horns used for charging/fighting, sign of strength and authority.
Locking horns…strongest horn left standing.
Seven eyes = 7 sprits of God (complete spiritual evaluation)
Sent out into all the earth.
Send out with eyes = evaluation
What makes you worthy
(still a few more)
- Had to be sacrificially slain
- Purchased the world with your blood (with your life)
- For God (couldn’t be selfish)
- Made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God
God’s worth
- holiness
- almighty +++
- timeless
- glorious
- honorable
- creator of all
- willing sustainer of all things
- sacrificial
- redeemer (purchases)
- ruler (unifier)
- high priest
- administrator/involver (linking people with opportunities and resources to accomplish something they never would have accomplished on their own)
- rich
- wise
- blesser
- restfully sovereign (not going to war)
- dominant
Value stems from God. Store up God in your life. Will also impact your attitude.
“The breaking of the SEALS OF THE SCROLL is (1) a very significant act (2) takes place at a definite time and (3) brings definitive events, which culminate in the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, in Rev 19:11ff.” -Kay Arthur
Seals 1-6 [Ch 6]
“The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” by Matthias Gerung, c. 1530
“Die Eröffnung des 5. und 6. Siegels”
“The Opening of the 5th and 6th Seals” by Matthias Gerung, c. 1530
(3.5) 1st Seal: White Horse, Political Change [Rev. 6:1-2]
“Presages of the Millennium” by James Gillray (1795)
Cause: lamb breaks seal – he is initiating
- first creature says come } prepared
- -> a white horse comes }
- someone sitting on it
- has a bow – long range weapon (unlike a sword)
- given a crown – authority/rule
- goes out conquering and to conquer – ongoing/domination
- political change
Implication? What is significant about lamb breaking seal? LAMB is causing, initiating. What is significant about this? (We’ll come back to it) What is significant about first creature saying come? Significant about the book being sealed? The book is opened a little, there is a message being revealed.
First part of the message:
This is something that has been prepared in advance, all he has to do is say come (doesn’t have to say ready, set, go)
Significance of bow? long range weapon.
Conquering and to conquer? Continual conquering (like Hitler saying Austria isn’t enough
Horse – power movement, strength, mobility. Not a lot of detail about the horses except color.
prepared and summoned
God picks the color
What does all of this imply?
Purpose of conquering? political change.
(3.6) 2nd Seal: Red Horse, Sociological Change [Rev. 6:3-4]
When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him. -Rev 6:3-4
Red horse: The word for “red” used in this verse, πυρρός/purros, isn’t the ordinary greek word for red (which would be ἐρυθρός/erythros), but is a more specific color description meaning “the color of fire”.
Where is all of this? Heaven. Where are they being sent? Earth -> heavenly and global perspective. Horses are affecting the whole globe, not just hillcrest.
Sword significance? Swords are used hand to hand, up close and personal, not a political change but sociological.
Effect of second seal breaking:
2 nd creature says come
- red horse
- rider
- went out
- given: take peace from the earth
- men slay one another
- given: a great sword – hand to hand
- sociological
- red horse
Notice also that for the second horseman to take peace from the earth, there must have been some degree of peace that already existed. Perhaps as a result of the first horseman’s political conquering there was a temporary air of peace.
(3.7) 3rd Seal: Black Horse, Economic Change [Rev. 6:5-6]
3 rd creature says come
- black horse
- rider
- pair of scales
- another voice
- wheat/barley (1/4 gallon (quart of wheat), day’s wage (eg. $200/day))
- grains, basic staples , enormous inflationary impact
- don’t touch oil/wine (luxury items unchanged)
- wealthy not being hurt, poor suffering most
- economic change
- wheat/barley (1/4 gallon (quart of wheat), day’s wage (eg. $200/day))
Scales and weighing out food implies famine.
(3.8) 4th Seal: Ashen Horse, Ecological & Demographic Change [Rev. 6:7-8]
4th creature says come
- Ashen Horse
- rider (death)
- Hades (hell)
- authority to kill ¼ of population (~1.5 billion)
- sword (conflict)
- famine (lack of food)
- pestilence (diseases)
- wild beast (loss of ecological control)
- demographical change
- authority to kill ¼ of population (~1.5 billion)
death riding on a horse and hell following behind him.
Land sends change. Tremendous, cataclysmic change, getting earth from every angle.
(3.9) 5th Seal: Souls of the Slain Cry Out [Rev. 6:9-11]
souls of the slain (martyred) cry out
- How long till we are avenged/ (till you judge)
the earth is judged
- How long till we are avenged/ (till you judge)
Your life was a sacrifice. There is an avenging. They died blameless. What is said has not happened yet. Previous four paragraphs is pre-game show, not judgment
what does this tell you about God’s attitude toward sin?
- Complete equivocal judgment, complete.
- Should give us greater appreciation of what Jesus endured on cross.
- Still a judgment for those who refuse his sacrifice.
- Jesus wasn’t concerned about nails but suffering God’s wrath for our sin.
- Never allow circumstances to shake your faith in God’s love for you.
- Let what you see here raise your appreciation.
- One last implication: Judgment is coming.
- to our hearts: should get the focus off ourselves onto those who don’t have god’s salvation.
(3.10) 6th Seal: Global Earthquake [Rev. 6:12-17]
6th Seal: A Global Earthquake (The Trinity Apocalypse) c.1260AD
Global earthquake, not localized, atmosphere has ash and smoke (like the Crest fires, but over the whole earth).
Stars fall to the earth -> meteorites, cosmic
This book: WHAT will take place, not HOW. -> we are avoiding speculation here, don’t worry about how this works, focus on the ramifications.
Every mountain and island moved -> Global, not just mountain shaken, but moved off its foundation.
Reaction of people on earth? Hide themselves in caves, cry out the rocks and mountains, not God. There perspective is God’s wrath. No confusion about who is generating all of this. No one is able to stand.
This is the wrath of the lamb, not the judgment ( attitude more than action). God’s attitude being revealed? Angry about sin. Not ambivalent and passive. Not accepting of it. Just his ATTITUDE toward it destroys sin. Now think about Jesus on the cross. How much does that say about his love for you? Attitude toward sin should be intolerant, passionately eradicating it from our lives. You should be appreciative, thankful of God’s mercy and sparing you wrath. It is not a light thing to be save, it is an extraordinary thing.
Intermission Between the Seals – The 144K [Ch 7]
“Engel halten die vier Winde / Die Versiegelung der 144000”
“Angels Holding the Four Winds / The Sealing of the 144,000” by Matthias Gerung, c. 1530
Back in the throne room for another two paragraphs. “in these series of judgments (the seals, the trumpets, and the bowls of the wrath of God) there is always a break between the sixth and seventh judgment” (Ray Steadman).
Structure: heaven -> to -> earth. Heaven dictates what happens on earth, not vice versa (cause = heavenly, effect/result = earthly). My life is not affecting God, impacting eternity. No its God’s decisions that matter and are shaking heaven and earth (having real impact). I am not the cause that changes God. God is the cause that changes me. (aside: 1 cor 8. Its not do I know God, its does God know me? God is not looking for you to produce anything, he is the producer)
(3.11) The 144K [Rev. 7:1-12]
We are introduced to two groups:
1) the 144 thousand
2) the great multitude
The 144k: -> literally or figurative number? -> Literal “I heard the number”
EVERY tribe of Israel
Jews (not Americans) -> ethnic Jews
Great multitude:
- uncountable
- every nation
- all tribes (conglomeration of every nation/tribe
- clothed in white
- palm branches
- crying out to God/salvation (implication: they are saved)
The 144k are still on earth -> a protection over them while they are on earth.
The other group (multitude) we know is in heaven because they are standing before the throne.
As they’re watching, seals unfold, worshipping, God’s blessing, glory, wisdom, thanks, honor, power, might being revealed. -> IN TORCHING THE EARTH!
Rev 7:9 great multitude in white robes with palm branches
(3.12) Who are they? [Rev 7:13-17]
Great Multitude Who Came out of the Great Tribulation (Trinity Apocalypse)
These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation (saved out of tribulation). Not us. This is saying in this time of tribulation an uncountable multitude gets saved.
God revealing wrath before judgment because he knows some people will only get saved in response to his wrath not love.
washed their robes -> received forgiveness from their sins.
(washed in blood of lamb, made white)
For this reason…serving.
Salvation out of love = bride
Salvation out of wrath = servants
We get this special relationship because we came to God out of love. These guys are thankful to be there, but my the implication may not be the bride.
God will protect them just as he will the 144k -> special covering and protection.
The 7th Seal [Rev. 8:1-6]
(3.13) 7th Seal: Trumpets and Incense
“Die Eröffnung des 7. Siegels und die ersten vier Posaunenstöße”
“The Opening of the Seventh Seal and the First Four Resounding Trumpets” by Matthias Gerung, c. 1530
What happens when Lamb breaks the 7 th seal?
Silence in heaven for ½ hr. All eyes go to what’s going on, expectation, heaven is speechless.
In comparison to first 6 seals…
When you’re silent because of news, its usually serious
Then seven angels walk in with seven trumpets. Censer, put incense on it. Implication for prayer -> will your prayers impact the end of the world? There are some prayers that are reserved, held for the end of the world… God ADDS substance, power, fragrance to our prayers in MUCH quantity.
Have you ever thought about praying in such a way as to impact the end of the world? Few people pray with that sense of scope.
You choose to line yourself up with the destiny of the world. (Not 9 seals, just 7). Stepping into what God has destined for the world.
Ecc. God has created the beginning from the end, started from end, made that first, then backs it up to the beginning, there is an END you are going to hit. You don’t create your own end.
God has designed your life to prod your life in a certain direction (kicking against the goads?)
God will go to every extreme to bring you to salvation, even if it means his wrath.
Two experiences of the will of god.
One that propels you, and one that provokes you.
Like surfing near a pier, he’s still going to sweep you forward, one painful way, one surfing on mercy instead.
revelation 8:5
Implication of the Seals
- God = wrathful toward sin
- Day coming when God destroys and eradicates sin
- Jesus = the only one worthy to redeem you of God’s judgment and wrath.
- Only limited time to repent
- some get saved in response to wrath, not love (weep for lost)
- Cultivate a sense of urgency in your heart. Don’t get complacent with the souls of men.
- Get the message of God’s love out there while there’s still time to respond to it.
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