Memory Verse Artwork

I started “drawing” verses to help me study and memorize scripture. Since I draw colorful lettering much slower than I write it, it helps me to meditate on the verse slowly enough to memorize it easier. Plus, after you’re done you have a great visual reminder to tape to the wall to help you remember the scripture!

Memory Verse: John 10:10 corinthians memory verse philippians 7.24-mark1-art

I’ve also done this electronically, creating LiveJournal avatars out of memory verses:

1 John 1:9
1 Cor. 5:7
2 Tim. 2:24
1 Cor. 4:7
1 John 2:9
Heb. 7:25

And here is a printable with verses about some characteristics of the Lord, like his faithfulness, righteousness, and mercy. Mostly from the ESV translation. (PDF format)