Jessica's Pasta Salad

Ingredients you will need:
Rotoni Pasta (your basic "curly noodles")
Salt (optional)
Parmesean Cheese
(Kraft) Italian Dressing
Bell Peppers in assorted colors
Sliced Olives

How to make it:
1. Stove -> high until boiling (remember: using the lid will make this go faster) add salt to the water if you like.

2. Cook about 2 handfuls of curly noodles for 8-9 minutes (without the lid now) or however long the box of noodles says to cook. Use the taste test to judge when they are really done though. Don't forget to rinse the taste testing noodle in cold water to cool it off before eating. Burning one's mouth isn't fun.

2. Chop the peppers into small (1/2 inch or so) chunks. For one person, 1/4 of a pepper is probably enough.

3. Drain noodles into a spaghetti strainer or sifter and rinse with cold water. If you are using a small pan and have an appropriately shaped stiring spoon with holes, you might be able to get away with pouring the water out and rinsing the noodles in the pot you cooked them in. Mostly it's a matter of keeping the noodles from falling into the sink while you rinse them.

3. Place the noodles in the serving bowl (if you are cooking for one, that would be the bowl you're going to eat out of). Mix in a pat of butter and stir until noodles are covered fairly evenly. Then pour on parmesean cheese (about 5 shakes) and a couple squirts of dressing. Stir. Taste and see whether it is too sour or too sweet. Add additional butter, parmesean, or dressing till you like the taste. It is better to start out with not enough of the toppings and then add till it is right than to start out with too much. Once you got too much all you can really do is run the noodles through the strainer again and start over with making the "sauce".

4. Add chopped bell pepper and olives until the proportions look to your tastes. I usually stop when it looks like there is about one piece of chopped pepper or one olive for each noodle. This usually ends up with about 10 or 20 olives & about equal number of pepper chunks.

5. Eat.


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