Four Creatures around the ThroneFour Creatures around the ThroneTemple of GodThrone RoomTwo Witnesses RemovedUnclean Spirits
1st Seal: White HorseWitnessesWitnesses and RejoicingTwo Witnesses MassacredWoman clothed in the sun1st Trumpet1st Vessel – Sores2nd Beast – Power2nd Seal: Red Horse2nd Trumpet, Mountain burning with fire throwing into the sea and a third of the sea becomes blood (Revelation 8:8-9)2nd Vessel (Bowl) Sea becomes blood3rd Trumpet – Burning Star falls4th SealThe Fourth Trumpet4th vessel5th Seal – White Robes5th Trumpet5th Vessel6th Seal3rd Seal: Black HorseBlack Horse & Scales6th trumpet6th vesselAngels with vessels7th seal7 trumpets7th trumpet7th vesselAdoration of the Beast
Jesus and the Lampstands Revelation 1:12-20
The Throne Room
Harlot on the Beast
Closeup on Heavenly Jesus Rev 1:12-20
John on Patmos
The Seven Churches Revelation 2-3
Dyson Perrins Apocalypse was last modified: January 9th, 2018 by Jessica