
On the Septuagint

“The translator of the book of Job abbreviated many of the long, windy speeches for his Hellenistic readership so that the book is one-sixth shorter in Greek.” -ESV Study Bible

Bible Illuminations: The Ottheinrich Bible

I was flipping through one of my library books today, “The Bible and its People” which has a lot of pictures of antique bibles, and one of the pictures caught my eye and I thought I’d google it so I could see if I could find a color picture of it. Well, one search leads to another which leads to another, and then I stumbled on a gold-mine, on Wikipedia, from the Ottheinrich Bible (or “Bibel” in German), a set of illustrations of Revelation, in beautiful full color, very detailed, from the 1500s (ie: old, public domain, not copyright…) exactly what I’d been looking for to go along with the Revelation bible study I’ve been working on. And then I found a site (in German) that is a “digital library” with scans of like every page from that bible (for some reason wikipedia only had the revelation images). Anyway, just for fun, here’s one of the images:

John’s Vision of Jesus among the 7 lampstands

Assorted Memory Verses & Thoughts

to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or imagine…to Him be the Glory forever! Amen (Eph 3:20-21)

Ever notice salt increases thirst? Being around Christians (salt of the earth) should increase thirst for living water (or wine of Jesus?)

Is the “spiritual fruit” in your life plastic fruit? Does it taste like fruit, or just appear as if you have fruit? -Mike Macintosh

Scripture artwork:

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments… -2 Cor 10:4-5

Heb 3:13…encourage one another daily, while it is called Today, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

2Pe 2:9…the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation…

Heb 4:15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin

Holy Holy God Are You! God of Glory, You’re so worthy, all the saints bow down. Everything you’ve done is Just and true… -Vineyard UK

Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make NO PROVISION for the flesh to fulfill its lusts. -Romans 13:14

With leaven symbolizes with malice and wickedness. Without leaven symbolizes sincerity and truth. 1 Cor. 5:8

Psa 78:4 We will…tell…the generation to come the praises of the LORD, And His strength, and His wondrous works He hath done

1Co 13:1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

A George-ism I need to remember more often…

“Don’t look at the size of the mountain, talk to the one who can move it.” -George Clerie

Reflections on Psalm 16:7

“I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night”


That kind of sounds like sometimes God speaks to us through dreams with instructions or counsel? Or does it have to do with God giving instruction during our “dark periods” and have nothing to do with a literal night? Interesting verse to meditate on.

Effect of Seeing God’s Power

Exodus 14:31 – Seeing God’s great power led to fearing the Lord and believing in the Lord.

seeing God’s power
fear of the Lord
believing God and his Messengers

An Interesting observation made by Jon Courson

“Jesus’ body was not spastic. Parts of His body were not going off in one direction or lurching off in another. So, too, the body of His church is meant to move in coordination. How? The same way our physical bodies are coordinated—by the body responding to impulses sent from the brain through the nervous system. Jesus is the Head (Eph. 1:22). The impulses that will guide us and direct us as a church will come from Him through the “nervous system” of the Holy Spirit. When we, the body, respond to Jesus through the leading of the Spirit, we will move in coordination and harmony.”
(relating to Commentary on Acts 6)

Hallelujah moment

I’m sure it will be short-lived rejoicing, and most of the people reading this have not a clue what any of this means, but I got my IE plugin to run on the “normal user” using “Run as administrator” in Vista rather than having to log into the special “Administrator” account. What does that mean? Likely that I can stop switching back and forth between two logins on Vista and just stay as the normal user.

You know what gets me though? The whole time it turns out the problem was apparently the plugin was disabled using the IE plugins manager (some time ago by me), and Netbeans isn’t quite smart enough to detect that the plugin is disabled and tell you you’re trying to do something stupid that you shouldn’t expect to work.

I was amused by this so I thought I’d share it

Its from illustrator Doug Jones:

HTTP Monitor

You know what’s fun about writing an HTTP monitor? Testing it basically requires surfing the internet. (c’mon that’s got to be a major plus, right?)

You know what’s not as fun? Creating an infinite loop in your internet explorer plugin that causes your system to go completely erratic and unstable without completely crashing. I ended up with three task-managers one of which was completely erratic and not actually showing correct performance. Needless to say, reboot was quite necessary at that point.

I’m actually making quite a bit of progress. Earlier this week with Q.’s help I figured out why my faked headers weren’t showing up in Netbeans (apparently there was one more spot the feature had to be enabled for IE). And since then I’ve been working on getting real headers into Netbeans rather than fake ones, and that basically means writing code to parse strings in C++. Parsing strings in C++ is not fun, its not nearly as easy as in Java. And its a lot more difficult to do in a non-MFC project where you can’t use CString, it requires going back to the <string.h> library functions, except there’s a bunch of quirks like the function that would seem obvious to use doesn’t really do what you need so you have to do it a different way. But every time I get a new header to show up in Netbeans correctly its great fun, and for some reason IE doesn’t put all the headers in one place so I’ve been getting them added in little chunks and it just looks closer and closer to working properly, at least for the general case with no bad data or anything.