
Wow, the Lord is so cool

Deadline is on for finances for the plane tickets to Africa. So anyway, we had some prayer last night. And then I got home and couldn’t sleep hardly at all and spent a lot of time in prayer. And then when I woke up, I’d just had a dream where I was praying in my dream (among some other good stuff)…and anytime you’re praying in your SLEEP obviously, the Spirit is with you, and I prayed some more and God gave me a vision almost immediately of a bible scene and started relating it to the present situation. Sweet

So I call up Jasmine to share the dream, because she was one of the main characters, and I felt like I needed to warn her about something from the dream before she encountered that distraction in the flesh. Well, dream totally ministered to her, and some of the details that hadn’t really “made sense” to me made perfect sense when she started explaining some context of circumstances she was dealing with that I didn’t know about.

And then I called up Darren to tell him about this vision and dream because part of it pertained to him also. And after I tell him the whole dream he says that’s funny because he’d been praying last night for dreams and visions for the team, but God hadn’t given him anything, nada, zilch. And the dream and vision both totally encouraged him as well, as spiritual gifts are intended–to exhort and edify the body of Christ. I tend to be very wary of use of spiritual gifts as they can be a little iffy seeming to me at times, but wow, seeing them correctly applied, wow, that’s way different.

And then twice this morning I just opened my bible and it landed on exactly the scriptures from the dream & vision and made things even clearer.

And the other crazy thing was, relating to the dream but not in the dream God had kind of spoken a few words to me for Darren as well that didn’t really make a whole lot of sense to me. Okay, so there’s something on Darren’s calendar this morning that doesn’t belong there, that’s not from God, and he needs to take it off and spend the time in the prayer closet. Obviously I don’t know what was on his calendar and had a couple guesses about potential distractions to pray specifically against, but nothing concrete or “that’s the thing”. But within a minute of me telling him what I felt like the Lord was speaking to me, the Lord brought to light what the distraction on his calendar was–calling people about the prayer dinner. And the thing was, like the dream said, it wasn’t like a bad thing he was distracted with, in fact it was a good thing, it just wasn’t what he was supposed to be focused on at the time.

So it was just crazy how God was totally weaving all the details together so carefully, and how it all fits together, and just that God is calling us to the prayer closet and saying “this battle will be won or lost in the prayer closet, go pray”.


Homemade biscuits are probably my all time favorite comfort food! Even in Australia I found some time to make some. I’ve been making them with the exact same recipe (well, quantity of small or large batch changes) since I was a kid, this is one of the first things I ever learned to cook, and the recipe is appropriately titled Jessica’s Favorite Biscuits cuz really they are.

biscuits: done finished

Biscuits: done almost ready!

Biscuits: cooking ooooh, oven glow~

Biscuits! cookie cutters make good biscuits

Biscuits: needs more water needs a little more water

Biscuits: mixing a little water added, needs more

Biscuits: Butter mixed in well butter evenly mixed

Biscuits: mixing in butter butter is clumpy, needs more mixing

Prayer group updates

So at this week’s prayer meeting Mwela (who you may remember is from the Congo) had a big praise report on the specific items we’ve been praying for him. He had his interview with the immigration department last week and they didn’t have any problems with his asylum application, so he will be getting finalized immigration papers next week on the 5th, so he’ll be able to start working legally and not just taking English classes. And its hard to say which is bigger praise report, but he ALSO had a praise report that his family (that he hasn’t talked to in two years) including wife and kids were finally located, safe and sound, at a refugee camp in Zambia. He hopes to bring them here by around November, so we still some big prayer requests to keep praying for.

As for Shamim, she also had praises again. Last week it was that her son’s grades were up in school and he has been more applying himself since we prayed for that. This week it was that one of her friends from Africa (I think from the refugee camp in Kenya?) is scheduled to come to San Diego on the next flight of refugees next month.

Other than that, we’ve been having a lot of people showing up who are either signed up for the BWO trip to Africa or who are strongly considering putting in an application. We had a record 21 people this week, beating our first week in La Mesa which had our previous record of 17, so God’s doing something crazy I’m sure. But its cool that that many people are going out of their way to spend time praying during the week. Maybe Pastor Benjamin’s vision of their house being filled with people praying will yet happen ;-).

This is why I have a love/hate relationship with C++

To make the About This App dialog appear from the System Menu (what comes up when you right click on the icon of the application), considering the About Dialog was already working from the Help menu…

Typical of C++, this requires editing 6 different files, header files, source files, resource files, etc, 98% of which is adding boiler-plate un-original code. There is no reason it needs to be this complicated. On the other hand, a lot of other programming languages don’t even give you that option to add things to the system menu…

Abraham: Promises of God

Probably all of us are at least somewhat familiar with the story of Abraham, and remember his frequent title as the “father of faith” and remember his acts of faith being credited to him as righteousness, such as tithing to Melchizedek and taking his son up on the mountain as an offering to God.

Do you remember what God promised Abraham in Genesis 15:4? God said “this man will not be your heir, but one who will come forth out of your own body shall be your heir”. God promised him offspring, and not only that but that his descendents would be as numerous as the stars in the sky (Gen 15:5).

But somewhere in that I see a lacking in faith. He could have had faith that God would bless his wife Sarah with child, but when they just weren’t…ahem…making any babies, successfully…Sarah doesn’t have the faith (at that point) that God is going to give them a child within God’s design for a man and a woman, and tells her husband to sleep with her servant and get her pregnant. And the result of that whole fiasco was Islam (Ishmael), and a blessing by God to multiply his descendants to be “too many to count”. And when God says no, he’s going to establish his covenant with a son of Sarah, not Ishmael, (Gen 17:19) they have some disbelief in their heart. “Abraham fell on his face and laughed.” In his heart he said, ‘Will a child be born to a man 100 years old. And will Sarah who is 90 bear a child?” (Gen 17:17)

Sometimes God’s promises seem crazy, they seem impossible. Everyone knows nobody who’s 90 years old can get pregnant. That’s just crazy. But sometimes God promises us things that seem crazy too.

But I challenge you: What has God promised you that you aren’t taking him seriously about?

Its so easy to have that doubt, even the “father of faith” doubted God’s promises. Has God spoken something into your life, but you just laugh and say “that’s never going to happen” and start plotting in your own fleshly way how to “make God’s promise” a reality…but not quite in the way God intended? When really, God was just saying, hold on just a little longer in faith that I do come through on my promises?….God wants to bless you with things he’s already promised you.

Are you waiting in eager expectation for the blessing God has individually promised you? I challenge you to take God at his word that he is faithful, no matter what circumstances may lead you to believe. God is greater than our circumstances. And he has some huge blessings he wants to do in your life.

(Its interesting to note also that despite Abraham’s doubts that God could give him a child, he still was obedient to what God told him to do, and had his entire family circumcised, even at his old age. There are further implications you can draw from this…)

Genesis 5: Beauty and the Shadow

I was reading Genesis chapter five today, and I know some of you groan “not another genealogy” but I kind of get all excited, because there’s a lot of interesting under the surface meanings that you discover if you actually study them rather than just read them; like for one thing, in Hebrew culture, names are more than “just a name”, its supposed to represent the essence of the being, which as you may remember is why it was such a big deal that Abram, Sarai, even Saul were given new names in the bible. There’s some interesting names in those lists of who begot who.

Many of you have probably heard Genesis is the “book of beginnings”. But do you know who the first person named in the bible for having two wives was?

His name was Lamech, which means “powerful” in Hebrew (says Strongs). He was a descendant of Cain (yeah, that same guy who killed Abel, you remember your bible history right), one of the seventh generation of mankind. He was also the first person in the bible to kill under the guise of self-defense (but that verse could be a whole other sermon in itself).

His two wives names? Adah and Zillah. Adah means Ornament or Beauty. Zillah means Shade or Shadow.

Beauty and the Shadow. Lovely. Gives quite a mental image of what the dynamic is when you step outside “God’s design” of a man and his wife. Someone gets left in the shadow. Isn’t that always the way its been since the beginning of time? Having two women never quite worked out for everyone involved, did it? Wouldn’t you just really love to be Zillah, living in the shadow of the more beautiful wife of your husband? What does this tell you about God’s design for marriage? Its an interesting thought to ponder.

If you want some bonus nuggets, or bible study idea: cities in the bible, who built them, why, what kind of character did the people starting cities have, were those people godly, what was God’s reaction to the city, were they in obedience to God…there are a lot of questions you can ask yourself. For some starter nuggets: Cain built the very first city. Nimrod built the first kingdom including the city of Babel–and we all have a pretty good idea how God felt about them building the city of Babel, rather than dispersing to fill the earth like God had commanded. It kind of seems like a little bit of a trend. What a contrast to the cities in Revelation, the cities of God versus the cities of Man in Genesis.

Aids & The Blood

I don’t know how I almost completely forgot one of my favorite stories from downtown last night.

Darren has an assortment of tracts in his bag, and I’ve been giving him a hard time about how many “scary” ones he has in there. Well, there’s mainly two scary designs…one with a bloody crucifix on the front. And the other is also red and just says “Aids and the Blood” in big letters.

But one of the guys, being more bold than me, decides he’s going to hand those out. One of the guys he gave one to, this Asian guy in his 30s or so, takes one look at it and says “I can’t take this” And the bold guy said “its the power of Jesus to transform lives!” And the Asian man replies, “but you don’t understand sir, we’re downtown to *pick up women*, we don’t want to think about Aids right now”. But at this point it may have already been too late to not think about the consequences of the choice he was about to make, you could see it on his face, God’s heart was piercing him with a conviction.

I also tried out an amusing titled new tract that I got, “God’s last name is not DAMN” which seemed to be a great one for some of the downtown crowd types. In fact, one of the first people I gave one of those tracts to starts talking to her friends as she looks at the cover of the tract and walks away “oh my gosh, (my friend) Ed totally needs this!”.

Dude…downtown is hilarious

Every week there’s so many funny stories. So many…moments.

So we’re on the corner of 5th and G (across the street from Jimmy Loves), all standing around in a circle praying (this is toward the end of the evening) and then we hear someone yelling out of a car “Who’s the man? Jesus” (the Jesus part really loud) and screaming. So look over to see who’s trying to distract us from praying. Its none other than Nefty and Rich and two of their friends. Big wave. And then “hey we’re praying over here…” “oh sorry”. Every time we go down there we run into someone we know (who wasn’t “with us”), if not several.

And then there’s the characters. This homeless lady asked us for money and Darren was feeling nice and gave her a dollar bill. I asked if we could pray for her. Oh, please. And then after we prayed for her and her daughter she starts totally getting into it and starts praying for us. Then all of a sudden she says “I have to go” runs over to a news-stand, grabs about half of the papers and runs off. Okay what was that? Is she gonna sleep on those? No. She runs over to the trash can down the street and throws them out….then comes back and takes the other half and runs off with them and dumps them in the trash too, and disappears. We’re kind of standing there for a moment dumbfounded trying to figure out exactly what we just saw. Darren thought perhaps she was stealing papers or something. Ken didn’t really say much of anything. And then I see. The label on the news-stand. Its the free “Gay and Lesbian Times” she had taken. And then we just bust up laughing as it comes together what had just happened. That’s hilarious. I don’t think I’ve ever seen THAT before downtown…but there’s always something new to see down there.

And I ran into a co-worker of mine later, and we talked for a little while…he seemed a little surprised that I was downtown to talk to people about Jesus somehow. Like, what, wait, you don’t get paid for this do you? No. I’m down here cuz there’s a lot of people in this world going to hell…

And then there’s the Christians with tracts. Ohmygoodness…they’re EVERYWHERE downtown. And not just our group. Its typical to run into at least 1-2 other Christian groups, usually one of which is from our own church, down there, even if we pick our block (usually somewhere within a one-block radius of 4th and G) and just stay put. There’s guys who stand on corners and preach, people on other corners handing out literature, there’s usually some people who go down there and hold up big signs with messages about Jesus…you never know who you’ll run into…but its kind of like…its a small world every week…we met these three guys (well, two guys and a gal) who were out and it turns out the one guy is married to the lady who used to be the choir worship leader at our chuch way back when…They had some good tracks too, they gave us a few “trade”. Every week seems like there’s a group like them, multiple of them. These guys said they’ve been coming out every weekend for like a year….and this is the first time we’ve hit the same blocks as them? (well, technically, we were off our normal block…)

Its just a funny culture thing of San Diego…I was talking about it with Ken, cuz he’s from L.A….there’s a different spiritual climate in San Diego…street corner evangelists are like a part of life downtown in San Diego….I can’t count how many times people have come up to us to thank us for what we’re doing, and to let us know they think we’re doing a good work. Seriously, at least three times as often as we run into a crazy demon-possessed guys who can’t help but curse any time they hear the name Jesus (we had one of those tonight too).

You know, went down there, wasn’t sure if I’d stay out there long, but I could at least just go to the prayer loft and pray, right? So I parked at Horton. Well, when my parking was up (you only get three hours there before they start dinging you nasty parking fees), I was like, I don’t feel done here, I think God’s got more for me here…so I went to repark…only instead of going counterclockwise out of the parking, I went straight, and around the block clockwise and landed this super-amazing street-parking spot only half a block down from Horton Plaza. God knows what I need too…cuz I’m not sure I would have been up for the walk of parking on Union back to fifth tonight. But the power to be out there doing this stuff…its not me, its Jesus. God’s a good God, if I do say.

The Valley of Tears

When you go through the valley of tears, don’t stop and buy real estate.

Keep going. Realize its just a valley, but don’t wallow in it, its not a pit. Notice the Israelites don’t set up camp there, keep making forward progress, focus on the destination. Let the valley a place of refreshment (a spring). And even in the valley of weeping, God’s raining down his blessings on you. And don’t trick yourself into thinking you’re in the valley when you’re really not, count your blessings that you’re not instead…


Brought to you by Psalm 84:5-6. Ali had shared a story about a friend of hers in Arizona that has an 18 month old baby, and her husband of two years died two months ago, and asked a question about what to do with the fear of such a tragedy…

The Break Room

There’s a sign above the sink in the break room that says not to dispose of food in the sink because there’s no garbage disposal. Apparently someone recently thought they’d offer their two cents to facilities by adding a handwritten note on the sign “maybe you should put one in.” And while you’re at that, would you put an ice-maker or toaster oven in our building? 😉 I mean…building 2 has those things…course building 2 also doesn’t have a sink in their break-room so its really about even…