

On my way into the building at work this afternoon I ran into one of the custodians who was mopping the floor outside the bathrooms. He asked how I was doing so I stopped to talk to him for a couple minutes.

There was a big fan blocking the door to one of the restrooms and he pointed out to me how he’d just waxed the floor in there and how shiny the floor was now and how people like using clean restrooms. You could see the pride on his face about how he’d worked hard to make that bathroom floor shine.

The furniture-moving guy (handiman essentially) was showing me once a few weeks ago how he’d (in thought of the people who would be using the conference room) rewired the lights so that the lights closest to and farthest from the projector screen were wired separate so that you could turn off only the lights near the screen but not all the lights in the room so that it would be easier to see the screen. The other day he was showing me how he was using the laser-level to get the wipe-off boards hung perfectly level across the whole wall.

But how often do we step back and think about the fact that someone took pride in making that restroom clean and inviting, or that someone else rewired the lights to make the conference room a more pleasant environment to work in? Nah, we so often sit there and focus on how our trash didn’t get emptied because there’s only one guy doing all the cleaning who “they” (management) wouldn’t “let” come back tomorrow (overtime) to empty the trashes.

Sometimes I find the “least of them” at work to be some of the most fascinating, because they just show you a perspective you don’t see from lofty people in the company. For the most part, its a very consistent attitude I’ve seen…they are here because its their job, so they try and do their job well–even though they probably won’t get any praise and glory for their job well done.

We could talk all morning about humility, but it is perhaps meaningless until you see it in practice. I have a lot of respect for those guys, they work hard, and they try real hard to just do what they do well even if what they do doesn’t sound all that impressive.

Symbolism in the Bible

Last week I was looking up the symbolism of different things in the bible (different foods and animals and stuff) and Darren challenged me that I should look up the different colors. Its very interesting to me how throughout the bible that things have a consistent symbolic meaning. Colors were definitely interesting, but what really got me was I was thinking about the fact that we have both white and red blood cells in light of that symbolism, and how when Jesus was stabbed on the cross the white and red blood came out separately. Pretty cool stuff

Suffering With Joy

For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ,
not only to believe in Him,
but also to suffer for His sake.
– Philippians 1:29

Its tough sometimes to accept that promise in the bible that your faith will be tested–and that we should endure and perservere with joy; rejoice even when we are suffering. Take heed of that promise, you will be blessed. And so I share with you a letter I wrote to a dear friend of mine to encourage her when she was enduring some suffering, because I have hope that other people may be encouraged by it as well.

I thought I’d share with you what I’d written in my journal last night as I was going through allergy attack last night myself (did I mention that?!?!) and what God was showing me. Maybe there’s something in there that would be encouraging to you too… who knows? (well, except God) 🙂

“Its so unfair” I whine and fret inwardly over and over, completely disregarding the command the bible lays out in Phillipians 2:14 to do everything without complaining. “How can something that is soo small that it can’t even be seen by the naked eye cause me to suffer so?” And “why me?” (can you hear the high-schooler mantra just waiting to whine its way through “but Mom, everyoooone else gets to…”

But God didn’t make us all to be alike did he? Each of us a unique special creation of God…for a one-of-a-kind purpose. I can (and have) prayed over and over that God would “heal” me, forgetting of course the whole part about IF it would be God’s will…selectively picking verses to show myself why the Lord ought (imagine that…me telling the Lord what he ought do??? Hello Isaiah 45:9…(“Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?'”).

Drat, convicted once again. But also convicted that I should be following in the footsteps of the apostle Paul, who even being beaten in prison wrote to us about suffering with joy…for no suffering for the Lord is wasted. And if the Lord desireth not to rid me of my afflictions, I can rest in the assurance that it is for the glory of God. “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him” (Phil 1:29). Instead of complaining bitterly and having a heart full of garbage, it could be a heart full of hope and joy that the Lord is calling me to suffer so that I may encourage other people through my own suffering–so that I may take some time to praise him for all the times I don’t have to endure what’s uncomfortable and inconvenient.

Some of the other verses on the joy/suffering: Romans 5:3James 5:10Revelation 2:10Revelation 10:10Revelation 2:9-10Phil 1:27,291 Peter 3:14,2:21Romans 8:18,23-251 Peter 4:12-19 🙂

Quote of the day

“The IRS apparently doesn’t put any value in time. And that explains a lot about the entire process of filing business taxes.”

The Top 11 Entries in Bill Gates’s Diary

From: The Top Five List humor mailing list

11. Invited entire tech-support department to play golf. Brought Melissa to complete the foursome.

10. Steve Jobs started work today. The silverware looks great, but he doesn’t do windows — yet.

9. The baby cries constantly. Maybe I’ll buy Fisher-Price.

8. Bought my first Macintosh. It’s sooooo cute!

7. Good day. Found over 15 bucks’ worth of soda cans in the trash bins outside Microsoft headquarters.

6. Bad day. Ellison sent back the heads of two of the three hitmen I hired, along with a note saying he ate the third one whole.

5. Still ahead of Murdoch and Eisner. Yes!

4. Reminder: 35-cent Snapple coupon expires in two days!

3. Memo to self: Next time, when my wife says we need to buy china, she means dishes.

2. Ran into Demi and Bruce. Upped my offer to a billion dollars.

and the Number 1 Entry in Bill Gates’s Diary…

1. Seventh day: rested.

[ This list copyright 1997 by Chris White and Ziff Davis, Inc. ]
[ The Top Five List ]
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Unsigned Data in Java

Today we [and by we I mean “I” on behalf of my team] had a fun foray into signed vs. unsigned types and type conversions. Certainly makes one long for languages like C# where they have *unsigned* types and don’t make you worry about the nonsense of whether all your numbers are signed or not and how to convert a pair of bytes into a short and why you can’t or signed types containing unsigned data together and expect them to create the right bit pattern…

So my dry erase board is all covered in scribbles like 0xB2 = -78 (really should be 178) = 0xffffffb2 not 0x000000b2… but 0xffffffb2 & 0x000000ff = 0x000000b2. Well, that’s me linearizing what is on the dry erase board…which also have pictures of bytes and bit patterns within byes and casts and arrows and…

Pretty ugly huh? Man, and here I thought (once upon a time) that once we got past learning assembly language in school I’d probably never have to worry about such a low level programming, as to whether our numbers are twos complement and what the actual bit pattern is for various signed data types…at least I haven’t had to do any floating point number storage…cuz that’d have been really ugly. Hahaha…

[edit] So much for no floating point to worry about…I discovered the next day I needed to use “Float.floatToIntBits(latitude)”

USB Comm Ports

Although brilliant, they’re also a pain. I mean, think about it: in the old days, your comm ports were fixed. But now you can dynamically add and remove usb comm ports on the fly. And apparently Sun’s Comm port library can’t really handle USB comm ports well. Its not so cool to get 3mb of logging in less than thirty seconds; one of the files we got sent back had over 5gb of logging. Root cause? If you physically disconnect the USB comm port while the port is “open” in the software, the dll that interfaces with the comm port prints out in a repeated loop some error message… Well, guess R.’s going to get to have some large amounts of fun fixing that one, since I’ve been “de-allocated” from the project 😉

Last Day in Spain

Our last day in Spain was a smashing success. We finally got done the one thing I came here to do…just when it seemed like it wasn’t going to happen’

Everything finally fell together today as best it could. And we even manged to do a few things we weren’t expecting to–like talk with the radio to a tank that was out of sight…I’m not even sure how far
out of sight it got!

I’m ready to come home and have tome Turkey (they don’t have Turkey here anywhere!). Its been a long week and tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Jess in Leopard 2E

Today was actually kind of fun and productive. Actually made good use of my sitting around time too. Wrote some documentation…and got to play with the tank–or at least climb inside it and take a look around. Not every day you can say you climbed around in a tank in a military base in Spain.

Jess in Leopard 2E

If only You Could Bottle Up Memories…

I have to say, when I got home yesterday, if I wasn’t so exhausted that I went straight to bed without eating (dinner? second dinner?) at get this–8:00pm, I probably would have posted about one particular thought that was grabbing at me as I drove home–I wish I could bottle up the memory of what it feels like to have spent the previous day and a half(ish) doing nothing but serving the Lord–it was just so…satisfying…and like at the point where you’re so attuned to the voice of God that the voice that says “be content with materialism, and your job, and with ‘just ok’, and don’t strive for more…” just entirely shuts itself out.

And if I could just bottle up what it feels like–and preserve that memory so that when I some time later start slipping back into the conundrums of day to day life that I could pull out the memory like a scratch-and-sniff sticker and get just a whiff of the betterness and be thrown back into the memory of just how more satisfying serving the Lord rather than fleshly desires was–because I KNOW if I every time I forgot, I could just open up my memory to what it was really like to serve, I would never want any alternative. Just a whiff of it would be enough to take me back–“back in your to your fire, to your throne, to your feet again…oh bring me back… distractions slip into my day… my flesh, my spirit is betrayed… I had such a fire in me… my soul longs to live for You”