Rolex (Uganda)
No, it has nothing to do with watches, Rolexes
a favorite any-time snack or light meal that is distinctly Ugandan, easily
found in the Masaka and Kampala districts. Its name is
derived by saying "roll of eggs" quickly in a Luganda accent, though
they are better known as Rolexes rather than as rolls of eggs. A Rolex might
be compared to a breakfast-burrito or rolled omelette. In Uganda, this is a
typical greasy street-vendor offering available at busy intersections at a
cart with an umbrella (for shade), cutting board, and charcoal cookstove with
rounded metal hot-plate.
Per Rolex:
- 1-2 eggs (depending on preference of egginess)
- pinch of salt
- 1 large (9") thinly-rolled Chipati (okay
if prepared ahead and kept cool or at room temperature, a flour tortilla
could be substituted if you don't want to make this from scratch)
- small handful shredded cabbage
- 3-4 thin slices of tomato
- cooking oil
- Break egg(s) into a shallow cup, add pinch of salt, and beat with a fork.
- Pour the eggs onto a large (preferably iron) saucepan into a thin 8" circle.
- Use a large spoon to rotate the eggs for even cooking. Flip once. Cook until
the eggs are cooked through.
- Lift eggs with a spoon and place the chapati underneath the eggs and warm
together for 10-20 seconds, rotating if cooking surface has uneven temperature.
- Remove egg-covered chapati from heat.
- Along the center of the chapati (but to the right side) sprinkle a stripe
of cabbage, and slightly overlapped tomatoes.
- Sprinkle another pinch of salt over toppings.
- Roll. (First fold the right side not covered in toppings to cover toppings,
then fold along center axis, and then wrap remainder around outside.

- Wrap in a lightweight plastic bag to control drippage when eating on the
Thinly sliced bell pepper or minced onions can be added as toppings. Other
non-regional veggies like mushrooms or finely-sliced celery might work well
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